Meal time should be experienced exactly as you want with all the choices that make meals at home enjoyable. Burgundy Place offers dining options that fit any lifestyle. From traditional dining room hours to Anytime Dining options, our chef and her team make sure that everyone is well-fed and content.
Dining with Friends
Joan looks forward to lunch every day. She and her friends at Burgundy Place take this mid-day break to gather around the table and discuss their lives, their families, and the upcoming activity schedule. For Joan, enjoying time with friends over a healthy meal makes her happy and keeps her engaged in life around the community.
Dining at Home
Don and Sue, on the other hand, prefer to continue their personal tradition of starting their day together over breakfast at home. Sue enjoys cooking in her own kitchen while Don watches the morning news before joining Sue at the breakfast table. It is this daily tradition that has kept them bonded over the years. However, they appreciate spending their dinners with friends in the dining room downstairs. Sue loves to enjoy a hot and healthy dinner with friends and the love of her life.
Love to Entertain?
Residents may invite family, friends, and neighbors to gather anytime they want. The Burgundy Place team will help plan the perfect gathering or event; whether a small gathering in your apartment or using our facilities. We can help you hold celebrations, special dinners, and private parties. It is our pleasure to cook, organize, and prepare for your occasion; simply contact us to schedule.
Explore all the options of Eating Well at Burgundy Place — be sure to contact our team to experience our dining in person.